Metamask: Can I make a Dapp in react that doesn’t uses metamask at all?

First I have to find out a few things.

** What are Dapps (decentralized programs)?

Dapps are apps created by blockchain networks such as Ethereum, Polkadot or Solana. They conduct decentralized protocols and allow users to communicate with each other without relying on central authorities such as wallets.

** Can you build a DAPP without a Metamask?

Yes, it is possible to create a DAPP that does not use the Metamk at all. However, you will need to choose alternative user authentication and interaction with the Blockchain method.

Here are some popular options:


  • LEDGER Wallet :


Now let’s dive into the creation of a DAPP, which does not use the Metamk at all.

Step 1: Select an EVM -based system

A system that allows the Ethereum contract. Several popular options are:

* Ethereum.js : JavaScript Library, which gives an easy way to interact with Blockchain.

* Truffle Set

: Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to create, test and install DAPP on Ethereum network.

In this example, let’s take advantage of Ethereum.js.

Step 2: Set your EVM system

Install Ethers.js (formerly Web3.js) as an addiction to your project:


NPM to install Ethers.js


Then create a new file called “index.js” and add this code to set your EVM system:


Const Web3 = Require (‘Ethers.js’);

// Create a new Ethereum supplier (such as a local machine or remote unit)

CONST Provider = New Web3.Providers.Websocketprovider (WSS: //;

// Get a service provider copy and sign using your personal key

Const Web3 = New Web3 (provider);

// Set your EVM system

CONSTERS = NEW ETERS.Contract (‘Both Contracts’, ‘Source Code’);


Change the “contract both” by the actual title of the contract

Step 3: Define your DAPP functionality

Metamask: Can I make a Dapp in react that doesn't uses metamask at all?

Create a new file called “Contract.js” (or any other file containing the contract code) and add the following code:


Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

MyDApp contract {

Appeal to public central material = “0x … your central-eterra …”; // Change your central Ethereum address

Function Callfunction () Public Payment {

// Call the contract with the argument payable (eg pass the ether)

Myethers.transfer (central media, 1 ether);




Change MyDapp’s true DApp name.

Step 4: Use the EVM system in your React Program

Now that you have set up your EVM system and defined Dapp’s functionality, you can use it in your React app. Here’s an example:


import to respond from “respond”;

Import reactivity from React-Dom;

Import {ethers} from ‘./contrat “;

Function Program () {

Refund (




Reactom.ender (, document.getlementbyid (‘Root’));


Change “./sutartis” on a real road to your contract file.

That’s all! Now you have a basic example of the DAPP that does not use the Metamk at all.

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